animals in the news
rare wolf sighting in kristiansand is first in modern times
holiday party animals: how to keep your pets safe and happy during this season us monks train dogs with spiritual touch
crocodile thief faces sharp challenge zoo trumpets baby elephant triumph one mans opinion on the pet psychic.... pretty funny buy a piece of chritmas -- reindeer dna in a vial christmas reindeer loses its baubles balder than your average bear -- black bears in north central florida are losing all their hair ..... the pic with this story is a must see radio city animals -- 12 animals and a woman share makeshift home why robins sing in winter mixing people, wildlife can be best is it just a bad rep--- this spider may not be deadly after all doris the pig replaces tommy the cat in stage production
man could face prison over pet rooster's crows butterflies point to micro machines birds may hold clues to role of teamwork
wild bees may favor eco-farms sea creature offers clearer vision and the human animal..... jewish santa warm to all faiths waitress
rewarded for honesty