animals in the news i've added a new page, my pets, has pics and descriptions of my animals, check them out, look how cute phuzz is. today's post brings you the latest updates on keiko and the usual unusual collection of animal stories. make sure you check out the very last story ... filming up women's skirts is found legal.... this is just mind boggling, i won't be going to any public places in washington any time soon. UPDATE: two more stories about the plight of keiko: norway bans people from having contact with keiko and keiko to spend winter in norway the scoop on sonya fitzpatrick animal planets pet psychic stray dogs used as mobile billboards..... bizzaro and just plain not right spaniels fat rolls save him from death
chimps pose conservation challenge cat rescued after 18 days stuck up tree detroit zoo shark credited with virgin births.... YES, I SAID VIRGIN BIRTHS puffins return as rats are killed off .... an alien species story with a happy outcome man leaves 3 foot boa on bus horse diaper idea sparks protest the first northern right whale calf to be seen in the eastern north pacific ocean in perhaps a century.... this is awesome news old owls taught new tricks rare snowy owls return to arctic rare parrots throw off cat food names animals are nosy with good reason ....this is very interesting shy koalas lured with taped mating calls solomon the octopus gets IQ test gamekeeping good for rare birds hedgehogs really don't like road surface fugitive kangaroo enjoys night on the town post office puts out spay/neuter stamps parasites prefer the males of the species and the more macho the better burglar turns out to be ram who "kid"napped the pygmy goat seven elephants move from game reserve to wild animal park for a new chance at life grandpa the cranky sea lion other noteworthy news.... the online :) smiley turns 20.... learn the history of emotioncons 100 million year old penis filming up women's skirts ruled legal...... ahem, i believe i have a reasonable expectation of privacy under my skirt, this is outrageous