animals in the news
rogue monkey believed to be searching for a mate has attacked 23 women more pets getting acupuncture man fined for letting guinea pig run free in park police officer handcuffs sheep after attack on colleague first cows, now sheep get in to poetry act at 91, woman has given lifetime of love to animals frogs use hollow trees as megaphones missing toads spark drug probe wild cows snarl traffic in hong kong cows sprout wings for china trip
anyone want a pet doorbell.... interesting invention
mouse gene map may lead to human secrets indian temple orders giant sandals for footsore elephant take your pet to see santa
owls new to hunt see pets as prey..... blind chihuahua survives attack
wild bactrian camels critically endangered with help from ultralight aircraft, a flock of rare whooping cranes completed its 1,200-mile migration from wisconsin to florida. king crabs march on to norway museum honors sparkie the greatest talking budgie owning a pet is good for your health rare clouded leopard rescued rare sea turtle finds sunshine in marin, ca pet tiger proves effective crime deterrent spider and fly swap roles
and the human animal..... its a love or fear relationship with clowns weirdo gifts for the holidays students, pals welcome cobbler back singapore
holds annual rubber
duck race