animals in the news i bring you the latest from the convention on international trade in endangered species, going on in chile. there are also a few article on the ivory trade and then for balance some upbeat elephant stories. there is wonderful story about a 12 year old who turned her birthday into presents for an animal shelter. be sure you check out fred the pug's mug. in the human animal are two great school stories. have a great weekend and enjoy a few good reads.
the latest from convention on international trade in endangered species (cites) in chile:
trade meeting to protect mahogany, turtles, and sea horses cites members to get tough on bear trade protection for sharks south africa fails to tell u.n. about elephant poaching more on the easing of the ivory ban: elephants in the firing line on dr congo's ivory trail some happy elephant stories: nearly 1 year old male asian elephant is a real crowd pleaser elephant visits mc donalds for some veggie burgers animal expert says she can speak elephant animal news stories from around the world: vulture helps cyprus bridge divide 12 year old turns her birthday into presents for animal shelter seals learn killers' click starving dolphins attacking porpoises the mug of fred the pug ...... visit the website dog donates money to animal shelter dogs are true heros of iditarod portly pooch pulled from porcupine pipe fortymile caribou cross yukon river for first time in 50 years as herd recovers woman loses battle to keep big cats
zoo keeps animals warm and cozy florida sturgeon "attacks" over for now dealing with pet loss buffalo soldiers: tribes struggle in quest to return animals to former glory pop
stars latest trend in naming dairy cows....
anyone want to
milk madonna monty the dog honored for foiling knife robber cat control? well maybe a little, tips on training your cat satellite tags keep track of great white sharks the human animal: man still attends high school at 56 great grandma heads back to school