in the news a mockingbird gobbled hundreds of rare butterflies in a zoo exhibit over two weeks while evading attempts to catch it...... he was only doing what came naturally blind puppy's siblings become it's guide dogs..... this deserves a big AWWWW lost hippo resurfaces from flood .... a little good news from the tragic flooding free willy swimming free i would not be caught dead with a giant cockroach as a pet update on the traveling guinea pigs girl scouts help turtle research 9/11hero dogs honored with art sultan the horse knocks back 15 pints a day.... i think he needs AA the monkeys here are not lovable animals. observe quietly, and as far back as possible...... but they sure are cute from the land of monkey man..... a new mystery creature dueling wood thrushers furry voles are making a comeback this ape dog pair is too cute puppy saved from crazed bird zsa zsa the dachshund mothers kittens town over run with rats as big as cats...... eeeek!!!!!