ARGH! i yam a bad monkey pirate
purrplexia designs © 2004
the two faces of bonobonnie sue: badmonkeypirate and alluring (ACCORDING TO SURVEYS TAKEN BY ALCOA'S SECRET) mermaid
purrplexia designs © 2004
purrplexia designs © 2004


ok here goes an explanation about monkeys and me....

the bottom line is i love and am fascinated by animal of all kinds.... but i especially love primates and sea mammals.

people like to think of themselves as better than these species and that humans are the only ones capable of complex thought and emotions ... but i disagree...

while my beliefs are not as extreme as PETA i do believe animal rights should be improved...

okay back to the whole why i am a bad monkey pirate.... um, it is kind of odd but i have rarely been asked to explain why, once people know me a little they just accept i am a bit of a nutty monkey...

i aspire to be a bonobo rather than a regular chimp. and i do realize that each is of these is an ape rather than a monkey but i reeeaaaallllllyyyyy want a prehensile tail gosh darn it (just think how much fun it would be having a prehensile tail.... you could swing from trees with it , or if you are a pirate you can swing from various parts of your ship). therefore i have mutated into my own special type of cross species... a BadMonkeyPirate . and by the way, i don't throw poop, i'd rather swashbuckle some one who gets my goat..... never touch my goat without asking argh, lol

... as for my whole bonobo fascination, if you go to the link and read about them please realize it is not just their busy sex lives that intrigues me... what intrigues me so about them is their "make love not war" way of life ... and their equality amongst the sexes ... yes, they have a lot of sex ... for positive purposes like bonding and communicating ... and i think that's what sex should be about! the bonobos are not caught up in shame or aggression.... they just want to feel good and be happy and make each other happy.... seems like a good way to be

the "bad" in bad monkey pirate is not like bad bad but more mischievous and playful... and the "pirate" parts comes with in the same definition, i don't want to be a criminal of the sea but i do want to be a treasure seeking adventurer.

anyway the name, bad monkey pirate, just sort of evolved out of my fascination with these amazing creatures

well, my attempt at explaining has just probably confused matters more... or bored you to no end lol but either way now you know

  thank you leslie for doing my portrait
ty leaffy © 2004

ARGH bad monkey pirate & crew

roly polies!

a bath story

hang cat's tale

vet visit 8/11/04

case of pillows!

a great day for ZIPPY!

the game

how i sleep

kats in kangaroo pouch

grooming with a friend!

new recruit

ZIPPY! the pinhead

animals in the news

original cat page